LOL not everything that's similar is a fucking call-back, even if Deus Ex is a revered ancestor of this game. Given the development/release history of CP2077, I think chalking it up to poor/rushed design makes more sense.
Besides, plenty of people stayed with Paul in Deus Ex on their first playthrough without thinking about it. The game encouraged this kind of decision-making from the get-go. CD2077, meanwhile, telegraphs nearly ALL of your potential "Optional" objectives, except saving Takemura.
I'm actually in favor of more hidden choices/outcomes, to encourage creativity and exploration and replay, but it really feels like you're being jerked around when the whole game spoils you on telling you about the "Optional" objectives, then suddenly pulls a fast one on you when it comes to saving one character in particular.
I just want the game to be consistent. Either stop hand-holding for optionals, or hand-hold for them all. Pick a lane, I say.